Philodendron ‘Congo Green’ | Philodendron congo, 6″
This self-heading Philodendron ‘Congo’ has jaw dropping large, green glossy foliage. The leaves are almost heart shaped and look like a dinosaur’s snack.
Key Information and Plant Overview
- Binomial Name: Philodendron ‘Congo’
- Care Level: Easy to medium
- Light: Bright, indirect light
- Water: Allow the top 2” of the soil to dry
- Pet Friendly: No
This self-heading Philodendron ‘Congo’ has jaw dropping large, green glossy foliage. The leaves are almost heart shaped and look like a dinosaur’s snack. If you have a large corner to fill in your home or office, this plant will not disappoint! Keep the plant in bright, indirect sunlight or filtered bright light. It benefits from a cleaning on a regular basis as the large glossy leaves can accumulate dust quickly.
PlantX Top Tip: Clean the leaves with a damp cloth on a regular basis!
How to Care for Philodendron ‘Congo Green’
- Light: Prefers bright, indirect light or filtered bright light.
- Water: Allow the top 2” of the soil to dry before watering.
- Humidity: Average relative humidity of 25% to 49%
- Temperature: Average from 18°C to 24°C (65°F to 75°F)
- Fertilizer: Follow a monthly fertilizing schedule when the plant is actively growing. In most cases, this is in the spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer – this means a ratio of NPK that is all the same. Ex: 10-10-10.
- Soil: Use a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix.
- Propagation: Stem cuttings can be placed in moist soil or water until it forms roots that are about 2-3” long then transplant to moist soil. Take a cutting with a node (where the petiole meets the main stem).
- Repotting: Can be done every 12-18 months. Choose a pot that is 2” larger in diameter than the original pot.
- Cleaning Tip: Remove dried or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking nice and healthy.
- Toxicity: Highly toxic. Always keep plants out of reach of pets and children.
Philodendron ‘Congo Green’ – Common Problems
There are dark brown spots on the edges of the leaves: There are a few problems that create dark brown spots – 1. Low humidity. Monitor the humidity levels in your space, if needed you can increase the humidity by misting or with a humidifier. Keep the plant away from any dry heat sources. 2. Overwatering. Follow the watering instructions – allow the top 2” of the soil to dry before watering. 3. Too much sun. Although it enjoys a bright location, it’s best to keep the plant out of direct sunlight
Why are the leaves turning yellow: As a plant matures they lose their bottom foliage. This is completely normal and unavoidable. If the upper leaves are turning yellow, you may need to reassess your watering routine or move the plant away from direct sunlight.
Why are the leaves on my plant drooping: Philodendrons love to show us when they need water! If the soil is dry and you’ve followed our watering instructions, it’s safe to say the plant is being dramatic and showing us it’s thirsty.
Signs of Overwatering: New growth becomes soft and brown and the leaves begin to drop.
Common Pests: Susceptible to spider mites. These are tough to see with the naked eye. You’ll notice fine webbing and small round yellow or brown discolorations on the leaves.